Whippoorwill Arts seeks to reimagine the live music ecosystem by listening to the top three priorities of working musicians:
Ethical Pay & Professional Protections
Consideration Of Expenses
More Opportunities To Play For Small, Listening Audiences
We believe in asking musicians directly what they need, using data to inform decision-making, and thinking outside the box. In the past year, our work has been featured across the country!
Recommendations: Live Performance Pay & Professional Protections for Working Musicians
with supporting research: Music as a Social Good and State of the Music Economy: A Gap Analysis
(released Labor Day 2023) In collaboration with the the Center for Music Ecosystems and 4AARTS.
COVID-10 Safety for Musicians
(2021) In collaboration with Majestic Collaborations
Turn Up The Mic, Tune Up The Future, A National Survey of Working Roots Musicians
(2021) In collaboration with Slover Linett Audience Research